Tuesday, November 26, 2019

I don't give a care how these older ladies realize I was considered a nice person but think I did something wrong to change that.  How suggestive.  Like I said, I don't give a care.
I think my dad is upset because I'm more Germanic from the US South and he's more English from Up North in the US.
Some or much of Germany is like Nazis towards me rather than for themselves.
Germans keep acting nasty to me.
It says others deserve things and I don't, after it was different before.
I can't get things to seem cool like I'm not in trouble, and I suffer inconveniences from others with too much time on their hands.
Since when was I considered a sociopath? and by who?

It's a contest!

to see who gets closer, the father or the mother
People are certainly making themselves a fool over me.
Is life about being too picky, now?!
I knew it was to pose as trying to help but just trying to steal attention for younger generations.
Why did they start making kids mature over older kids? when we were kids.
You may like who's related to you more, but you cannot "pass judgment" on others for not being so.
Why does everyone keep saying if I made myself attractive in any way and others look different that means I was treated better?
Is there some secret people think they should know?
Mostly, people want to get to who I know.
I wonder if people only like me to punish me for no good reason.
Well, I was thinking young people, young adults in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.
People today handling their instruments look Autistic.